Implementation of an Erasmus+ project

On September 1, 2019, the European Energy Management Specialists for SMEs (EEMS4SMEs) project was launched, the main goal of which is to create an open, widely accessible and innovative digital platform for training energy efficiency specialists for small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe.
In this project, the Chamber of Installators in Bulgaria plays a leading role in the organization, dissemination and implementation of communication activities arising from the implementation of the project.

The CISB team actively participates in building a web presence in the social network Facebook of the project in order to establish a widely accessible environment for a large audience of potentially interested in the goals of the project. A public vision of the ideas, partners and goals set in the implementation of the project has been built, through regular publications of news and events accompanying the project (

A specialized website dedicated to the EEMS4SMEs project has also been created, focused on presenting in a modernist and minimalist form the main goals of the project; it contains details about the partners in the project and brief information about each of them is presented; the ideas of the project and the ways to achieve them are published (

A common visualization platform has been developed for creating content, on the basis of which a uniform type of presentations of the partners will be achieved, when necessary. The construction of a standardized form with common visualization elements allows for the integrated creation of information materials, presentations, invitations and other information throughout the implementation of the project and combines the different approaches of each partner into a common visual style.